Week of Prayer for Christian Unity
Official linkg for the resources for the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity click here
Watch Parish Healing Service – Holy Mass
The Social after the Healing Mass – Thanks to PPG (Parish Pastoral Group) and Mary Guilgunn-Jones team for Hospitality
All Souls Day – Blessings of Graves, Saturday 2nd November
CAFOD harvest family fast Day
CAFOD resources and online giving click here
Day of Prayer for Migrants & Refugees
Disability Awareness Sunday
Diocesan Novena to Blessed Dominic Barberi
We pray for his canonization
Training Course: Liturgy, Worship & Prayer
The Way of Communion – an opportunity to deepen knowledge/skills in Catholic Liturgy, Worship and Prayer. The course runs from May to December (with August off!) with an online meeting from 7.30 – 8.30pm on the first two Mondays of each month – with those who wish welcome to stay on beyond the hour to continue and broaden the conversation, with nothing off limits!- Click here