Parish Summer Party – Indian cultural evening & food Fest!

Thank you for your excellent support – Silent Auction

Up coming Event – School Craft Fair

Up coming Event – Bingo Evening

Please support our BINGO Saturday 10 February 2024 St Thomas More Church Hall 
Doors Open: 7.00pm  Eyes Down:  7.30pm 
All proceeds in aid of Parish funds

Past Events: Lent Silent Auction

We will be holding our popular Silent Auction
at 7pm on Saturday 18 th March 2023 in the STM Hall.
Please think about items that you wish to donate.
Further details of drop-off points, dates etc can be found
in the ‘Flyer’ available at the back of the Church

Click here to down load the flyer

Bingo Evening Thank you

Thank you for all your support at the Bingo evening last week.  We raised £420. Special thanks to Maurice ad all who helped on the night and to all who donated prizes. Our next event will be the Silent Auction to be held on Saturday 18 March.

~ Mary Guilgunn-Jones

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