Two Churches, One Parish

Welcome to the Parish of St Thomas More, Kidlington and St Hugh of Lincoln, Woodstock.

We are a very welcoming parish with two churches and a diversity of peoples. Exercising our common priesthood in the One Priesthood of Christ, we encourage and support various ministries in the parish. So here’s your opportunity to exercise your common priesthood as a woman priest, man priest, girl priest, boy priest or any as a baptised & confirmed human person. A creation longing to be fully in the image and likeness of God, not in competition or depravity, but with a collaboration of every work of life. Just one qualification; a sincere honest intention to server God and God alone.  And so here in our parish there is plenty of opportunity for each and everyone of us to thrive and flourish, as a member of the body of Christ. 

You are most welcome to share in our joy of living, by visiting us or taking a tour on our website. 

Rev Fr (Dr) Prem Jayalath Fernando