Parish Groups
You can render your service to the parish in following ways
1) becoming a reader
2) a extraordinary minister of the Eucharist
3) joining the choir
4) joining the cleaning group
5) flower arrangement group
6) Be a helper to sacristans
7) altar serving and training
8) helping those who look after the hall
9) Greeter – welcoming people at the door
10) helping with the collection
11) help counting of the collection
12) helping with parts of taking care of the gardens, especially the school side rose garden – None
13) organising the children’s liturgy
14) organising youth activity
15) helping as a catechist
16) Join the Churches Together Kidlington team
16 b.) Join Churches together Woodstock Team
17) Join the fundraising team for Kidlington
17 b.) Join the fundraising team for Woodstock